The world, today is centred to attain societal standards and relentless beauty that it has shadowed the importance of physical well-being, which is the prime need of the hour. As a result, redefining social views on self-worth and body image, the interwoven ideas of body positivity and body neutrality have become influential. Even as we celebrate diversity and challenge traditional beauty standards, it is crucial to understand that physical well-being is a journey that transcends appearances.  In this context, acknowledging that no limitation, even disability, should not impede one’s ability to embrace and maintain physical well-being. This sense of inclusivity becomes paramount.

A momentum generated by body positivity movement in recent years, to include or accept all body types, shape and sizes, inspired people to defy social conventions that frequently result in body shaming and to value their bodies for what they are. However, it failed to encompass the narrative of the incredible capabilities and resilience of a human body.

physical well-being, diet, exercise, mindfulness, meditation, relaxation

An alternative perspective was brought through body neutrality, which encouraged people to shift their emphasis on functionality rather than aesthetics, urging them to appreciate the remarkable things their body allows them to do. A balanced approach that promotes a positive relationship with one’s body can be achieved by accepting body neutrality.

Every person, regardless of their physical abilities or limitations, should be able to participate in the journey towards physical well-being. No one should feel excluded or constrained in their quest of a healthy lifestyle, due to inability to conform to the โ€œso-calledโ€ expectations. Diverse abilities and challenges are included in the definition of inclusivity, which goes beyond body type, to create an atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to put their physical well-being first.

Recognizing that fitness is not a one-size-fits all concept, instead adaptability is the key, where various forms of exercises can be tailored to accommodate different abilities. People with disabilities can discover ways to participate in physical activity that meet their specific needs, whether it’s adaptive yoga, sitting exercises, or customized training programs. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork provide an inclusive approach to foster overall health, irrespective of physical limitations.

Physical well-being should encompass more than just diet and exercise. It is essential to have access to comprehensive health assistance, which includes mental health services, rehabilitation programs, and adaptable technologies. Creating a supportive and inclusive environment that allows people to confidently navigate their wellness journeys.

Inclusivity is the cornerstone, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of a healthier, more fulfilling life. By acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of bodies and abilities, we can collectively redefine societal norms, creating an environment where physical well-being is attainable for all, regardless of the unique paths each person travels.



  1. Rajat jain Reply

    Sooooo useful article.. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿปeveryone should need to follow this in these stressful days…

  2. This article is very enlightening and I am definitely going to make this a part of my routine

  3. Joshina Jolly Reply

    So well written and well said. Every body should have the privilege to practice movement in their unique ways.

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